My name is Artimus Paint.  I have been playing online poker for a long time.  I can’t even remember the year that I started playing.  I was a backgammon player before I became a poker player and for a while, I just played poker as a break from backgammon.  Eventually, poker took over as my main interest.

I created the Exploitative Poker website for microstakes NL Texas Holden poker players.  If you play 10 – 25 NL cash games and you are looking to develop your poker skills, you have found the right website. 

The articles on this site are aimed towards cash game players.  However, the basic principles can be used by low stakes tournament players.

I teach you how I read hands and how you can improve your skills at finding the best betting lines.  These 2 skills will help you maximise your profits

I focus on exploitative poker.  This is the way poker has been played ever since the game was invented. 

Reference Hands

Years ago, I create reference hands that I memorised.  The idea was that, when I play a hand of poker, I am just replaying a reference hand out.  In other words, I am just like an footballer, who has practiced heading a ball into the back of the net from a certain position on the pitch.  When he gets onto the pitch, the footballer is just doing what he has practiced without thinking.

I am putting my reference hands on the website.  These are aimed to help microstakes player improve their game in the following ways:

To develop hand reading skills.  The idea is that you will understand ranges.  Once you put your opponent on a range, you can figure out how often your opponent will fold to a bet. 

To learn the correct betting lines.  I use calculators in my off the table work.  These calculators are available on this website for you to use freely.

To plan your hand from beginning to end.  I don’t just explain what you should do pre-flop or on the flop and leave players stranded without an idea of how to play the hand on the turn or river.  When you plan a hand off the table, there should be no surprises where you don’t know what to do.

You will learn how to think for yourself.  The reference hands are carefully chosen and presented in a systematic way.  You can just use them as reference hands.  However, once you learn how I analyse hands, you can analyse hands for yourself.  Once you can do this, you won’t need a teacher as you can teach yourself.

You will learn to play more aggressively:  Here’s a secret.  Aggressive players are not braver than you.  They just know the maths is on their side.  When you know that the probabilities are on your side, it is easy to play aggressively.

All the Best!